Sep 2, 2024
The 10 Most Common Questions Parents Have About Their Child’s Dental Care
children's dentistry
1. My child grinds their teeth. Is this normal?
Quick Answer: It’s not uncommon.
When it starts: As early as 18 months, potentially lasting until age 6.
Why it happens: Theories range from improving breathing during sleep (due to large tonsils/adenoids) to stress, sleep disturbances, or even frequent allergies/ear infections.
Does it hurt? Surprisingly, kids don’t usually experience the jaw pain or tooth sensitivity that adults do.
Will they outgrow it? Most likely, yes. Pediatric dentists typically don’t recommend night guards for young children due to tolerance issues, choking hazards, and minimal impact on their teeth.
Teens still grinding? Talk to your dentist.
2. How can I brush my child’s teeth if they don’t want to?
Quick Tips:
Common Struggle: Many parents face meltdowns from their toddlers during brushing time.
Pro Tips for Wild Toddlers:
Bath Time Brushing: Some kids are more cooperative in the tub.
Sink Seat Show: Sit them on the sink, let them watch a fun YouTube show (try Elmo brushing videos!).
Towel Wrap & Lay Down: Gently wrap your child in a towel, lay them down, and brush their teeth with them safely secured.
Key Takeaway: Ensure you’re brushing along the gumline—often easiest when your child is lying down or at eye level.
3. Until what age should I brush my child’s teeth?
Quick Answer: Help brush at least once a day until they can tie their own shoelaces.
Why: Kids might want to brush solo, but most under 4 just chew the brush and suck off the toothpaste.
Think of it this way: If you left your three-year-old in the bath to wash themselves, how clean would they be? The same goes for brushing!
Pro Tip: Check for orange staining along the gum lines after they brush—this signals missed spots and a need for more help from you.
4. What kind of toothpaste should we be using?
Quick Answer: Regular toothpaste works fine—just use a tiny “smear” (size of a grain of rice) for kids under 3.
What’s the deal with ‘Infant Toothpaste’? It’s marketed for kids under 3 because it lacks fluoride, but using the correct amount of regular toothpaste is safe and effective.
5. Should we floss first, then brush, or brush then floss?
Quick Answer: Either way is good, as long as you’re doing both daily!
For the Detail-Oriented:
Best Practice: Floss first to loosen debris, then brush it away.
Using mouth rinse? Use it last to swish away any remaining bits and freshen breath.
Bonus: If your child’s teeth have wide gaps, no flossing is needed—just a good brushing will do!
Do remember that it is always a great idea to equip yourself with parental dental knowledge, but keep in mind that there may sometimes be a need to still do regular checkups for your children because there could be a myriad of issues that could be detected and prevented early on, thus relieving a lot of future dental issues that your child may have later on.